Not just any security: ISO 27001

ISO 27001 Benefits

Accredited certification to ISO/IEC 27001 demonstrates to existing and potential customers that an organization has defined and put in place best-practice information security processes. This page outlines the benefits of ISO 27001 certification.

Safeguard your valuable data and intellectual property

Information is the lifeblood of any business – this is especially true if your clients have entrusted their valuable data to you. Implementing and maintaining an information security management system (ISMS) certified to the internationally recognized data security standard, ISO 27001, is the most effective way of reducing the risk of suffering a data breach.

An ISMS is a systematic approach to managing the security of sensitive information and is designed to identify, manage and reduce the range of threats to which your information is regularly subjected.

Win new business and retain your existing customer base

ISO 27001 certification proves you are taking cyber security threats seriously. Your prospective customers are naturally concerned about the security of their data. Compliance with ISO 27001 is proof that you are following international best practice to mitigate threats.

ISO 27001 certification demonstrates credibility when tendering for contracts. Conformity to the Standard can make the difference between winning and losing tenders.

ISO 27001 gives you a proven marketing edge against your competitors, and puts you alongside the likes of Google, Cisco, Microsoft and Verizon.

ISO 27001 certification helps you to expand into global markets. An ISO 27001 certificate is often a supply chain requirement, while in Japan and India it is a legal requirement.

ISO 27001 certification helps you to demonstrate good security practices, thereby improving working relationships and retaining existing clients.

ISO 27001 certification removes the need to complete detailed security questionnaires and respond to auditors for each new client.

Avoid the financial penalties and losses associated with data breaches

Data breaches are not only damaging to business, but excessively costly. The average cost of a data breach is estimated at USD $3.79 million according to IBM.

ISO 27001 is the accepted global benchmark for the effective management of information assets, enabling organizations to avoid costly penalties and financial losses.

Protect and enhance your reputation

When it comes to security breaches, loss of customer confidence can have far more serious consequences for an organization than the fines levied by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) or the Payment Card Industry (PCI).

Cyber-attacks are increasing in volume and strength daily, and the financial and reputational damage caused by an ineffectual information security posture can be fatal.

Build trust internally and externally

ISO 27001 improves company culture. The Standard’s holistic approach covers the whole organization, not just IT, and encompasses people, processes and technology. This enables employees to readily understand risks and embrace security controls as part of their everyday working practices.

ISO 27001 improves structure and focus. When a business grows rapidly, it doesn’t take long before there is confusion about who is responsible for which information assets. The Standard helps businesses become more productive by clearly setting out information risk responsibilities.

Comply with business, legal, contractual and regulatory requirements

ISO 27001 is the only auditable international standard that defines the requirements of an ISMS.

The Standard is designed to ensure the selection of adequate and proportionate security controls that help to protect information assets.

Satisfy audit requirements

By providing a globally accepted indication of security effectiveness, ISO 27001 certification negates the need for repeated customer audits, reducing the number of external customer audit days. Consider how many days of detailed preparation this could save your organization and calculate the cost involved.

As you can see a firewall and anti-virus software is not enough.

Get real security with ISO 27001 compliant solutions, contact Esystems (951) 637-9139 to for a free network security assessment today.